Value strategy
We can invest in small or medium-sized companies that have are making a steady revenue and have been active for at least 3-5 years. We prioritise companies that are active in our prioritised areas and that need investments for expansion, new product creation, modernisation of activity, installation of innovations, etc. We can also invest in companies that are having temporary struggles but have a good balance and a stable source of revenue. Following this strategy, investments into a single company could be made by buying a part or all shares or the issue of convertible bonds and could reach up to 5 000 000 EUR. Investment horizon varies from 2 to 8 years.

Growth strategy
We can invest into new companies that have been active for no more than 3 years and have a unique product and/or other unique qualities. The main accent of such companies – great growth potential. We prioritise companies and projects that specialise in electronics, robotics, artificial intelligence or IT and that apply these areas in industry, waste recycling, energetics, medicine, finance or other business sectors. According to this strategy, investments into a single company could reach up to 1 000 000 EUR, financing the purchase of equities or debt securities with a possibility to partly or fully control the company. Investment horizon may vary from 5 to 10 years.

Stability strategy
We can invest in projects or objects that are generating a steady cash flow, financing the fruition of such projects or the purchasing of such objects with the goal of keeping a partial or full control of them and ensuring steady cash flows. We prioritise real estate and IT infrastructure renting, electricity generating or other areas that would allow a stable and predictable cash flow. We can also invest into problematic or “stuck” projects. With this strategy, the investments into a single project or object might reach up to 5 000 000 EUR and the investment horizon might vary from 8 to 15 years.

Speculative strategy
We can invest in such short-term projects or investing objects if there is an opportunity for a quick increase in value and realisation in the market. We prioritise areas of energetics and real estate, after investing in which there would be a possibility to sell these investments with an annual return of at least 25%. We will also consider investing in problematic projects or those that are stuck because of a lack of financing. The main accent of speculative investments – liquidity and the opportunity to significantly increase the value of the invested capital in a relatively short time. According to this strategy, investments into a single project or object can reach up to 2 500 000 EUR and the investment horizon can be up to 2 years.